What Does A Roofing Contractor Look For During A Roof Inspection?

Posted on: 28 March 2022


After every few years, it's important to get your roof inspected by a professional roofer to confirm that it's in good working condition and leakproof. You can also schedule a roof inspection when buying a new home, after a storm or a fire, or if you suspect that your roof has a problem. Professionals use special tools to identify weak spots in your roofing system that may cause problems in the future. Some of the areas that a roofer inspects include the roof, seams, gutters, flashing, interior material, and other key components of the roofing system. If you are planning a roof inspection here are some key things that a roofing contractor will check:

Signs of Leakage

One of the common roofing problems among most homeowners is roof leakage. This is why most professionals include leak detection as part of the inspection process. The roofer tests for leakages by checking signs of water damage or weak spots like seams or flashing. If they establish leakage problems, they will identify the damaged area causing leakages and recommend repair solutions. 

Gutter System

The gutter system plays an important role in draining water away from your property. The contractor will inspect your gutters to make sure they are securely attached and free of clogs. They can also check for any signs of leaks or holes in the gutters. If there is damage, they can repair it or recommend replacement based on the condition of your gutter system.

Metal Flashing

The flashing is an important part of the roofing system, which helps prevent leaks by sealing up the roof intersections. Flashings can pull away from the roof over time leaving openings for water to get through. A roofing contractor will carefully inspect all of the flashings and make sure they're firmly attached to your roof and not causing any leakages.

Missing or Damaged Shingles

During a roof inspection, the inspector will check for missing or damaged shingles. Missing shingles can sometimes be spotted from the ground, however, in some cases, you may not easily notice them. A professional will get up close to check if there are any missing, damaged, or loosely attached shingles. If there is any damage, they will analyze the extent of damage and recommend a suitable course of action. If your roof is made of other materials like metal sheets, clay tiles, or concrete tiles, they will also thoroughly inspect it to ensure that there are no damages or weak spots.

Roofing contractors are knowledgeable about all aspects of your roofing system. They can easily spot problems, even those that are not that obvious. It's important to regularly schedule roof inspections to help you catch minor problems before they become major issues. If it's been several years since your roof was last inspected, you should contact a professional roof contractor today to schedule roof inspection services.