5 Ways To Protect Your Roof In A Rainy Climate
Posted on: 20 April 2022
Do you live in a rainy climate? While areas with higher-than-average amounts of rain can be lush, green, and beautiful, they also present unique challenges for roofs. What can you do to help protect your roof when it's subject to plenty of liquid sunshine? Here are a few steps to take.
1. Choose Materials Wisely
Start with a roof made from the right types of roofing materials. You may want an ice and water shield under your shingles, for instance, to prevent moisture from reaching the decking and attic below. In addition, metal and slate roofing is more resilient and allows water to flow more freely than many types of wood or clay roofs.
2. Inspect the Roof Regularly
Make a schedule for an annual roof checkup. Whether your problem is snow and ice that pile up over the winter or rains which make rooftop activities unsafe, you may not be able to get up close and personal with your roof very often. Take advantage of dry weather to inspect the roof for cracks, warping, missing shingles, damaged flashing, or signs of rot.
3. Keep Gutters Cleaned
Lots of rain and snow usually means more debris in your gutters. Clogged gutters, in turn, cause a number of roof problems. Heavy gutters may pull away from the eaves and damage these along with breaking the gutters. Clogs also allow snow and water to build up along the eaves, resulting in moisture under the shingles and ice dams. So keep those gutters clean.
4. Look Overhead
Don't forget to examine what's going on over your roof. The limbs and branches of overhead trees affect how rain and snow fall on the roof. A thick canopy might slow down rain but it could also direct water flow in directions you don't want it flowing onto the shingles. More importantly, overhead trees can break in storms and damage the roof below them. Keep trees pruned and well-maintained to prevent falling hazards.
5. Prevent Condensation
When the air contains a lot of moisture, condensation can get into the areas underneath the roof. Take steps to prevent this. You might opt for vapor barriers, improve attic ventilation, change the color or material of the roof, or add insulation to keep the roof at a more even temperature.
Where to Start
Could your roof use more protection from the natural elements? Whatever the age or state of the roof, start by consulting with a residential roofing contractor—such as Bauer Roofing Siding Windows & Doors Inc.— experienced in your local climate.