Answers To 3 Commercial Roof Questions
Posted on: 2 June 2022
You may not give your commercial roof much thought, but like any part of the building, it needs regular repairs and maintenance. While you may be familiar with residential roofs and roofing materials, commercial roofs are typically made differently. If you would like to know more, keep reading.
1. How Much Does a Commercial Roof Cost?
The exact cost of your commercial roof depends on local costs, the type of material you choose, the quality of the material, the thickness, and the size of your roof. On average, a typical rubber roof membrane commercial roof costs about $0.50–$1.50 per square foot.
Adding the cost of installation only increases the price to $2.50–$4.50, making commercial roofs much more affordable when compared to residential roofs. However, commercial roofs can be much larger than residential roofs.
In addition, commercial roofs last about 10–40 years. The lifespan is affected by the weather, type of roof, and the roofing material. Overall, excessive heat and excessive cold can harm your roof.
2. What Materials Can Be Used?
Many commercial roofs are made from a rubber roof membrane or a built-up roof membrane. These membranes are like rubber, making them expand and contract well. They are also great at providing insulation to block the transfer of heat.
However, there are many other roofing materials from which to choose, including metal, spray-on silicon, and even shingle roofing. No material is perfect as each ha its own flaws, so you must choose the best material for your needs.
3. Do Commercial Roofs Face Unique Issues?
Many commercial roofs are flat, which can pose a major issue if there isn't adequate drainage. Residential roofs have a slope, which allows water to flow off the roof and into the gutters. However, with a flat roof, gravity can't help. Without a good drainage system, the water simply pools on the roof, reducing the lifespan of the roof and increasing the risk of leaks.
For this reason, flat commercial roofs often need multiple drainage systems, including direct drainage on the roof. Scuppers allow excess water to flow over the edge of the roof.
Commercial roofs may not be the most glamorous part of your commercial building, but they keep your building and anything inside safe and dry. If you would like to know more, or if you want a quote on a commercial roof, contact a commercial roofing provider in your area today.