Tips For Getting An Estimate From A Roofing Contractor
Posted on: 21 November 2022
If you need to have your roof replaced, or even if you need major repairs, then you will need to start by getting an estimate. This is a pretty simple task from the perspective of the customer. The roofing contractor usually looks over your roof and home, and then they tell you about how much they will charge if you decide to have them do the work. There are, however, a few simple things you can do to ensure the estimate you get from your roofing company is accurate and complete.
If you'll be making an insurance claim, let the roofers know.
If your roof was damaged by a storm or other natural disaster, then your homeowners' insurance is likely to pay for at least part of the roof replacement. This is something you should share with your roofer before they give you an estimate. Insurance companies often have specifications as to how roofing work is done, what they will and will not cover, and so forth. If your roofer knows you'll be filing an insurance claim, they may include work in your estimate that they otherwise would not have.
Tell them if you want to change roofing materials.
Maybe you have a shingle roof, but you're thinking of switching to metal. Or perhaps you've been looking into tile and wonder if it is right for you. Let your roofer know if you have even the slightest inkling that you may want to swap roofing materials. Different materials can have pretty different costs, and knowing this early can allow your roofer to estimate for multiple types of materials at the same time. Your estimate will then have several options for you to choose from based on cost and other factors.
Let them know if you're on a tight budget.
If you are on a relatively tight budget, don't hesitate to mention this to a roofer. They can take that into account when crafting your estimate. For instance, they may take a closer look at your vents and see if they can save you some money by reusing them rather than replacing them. Or, they may quote you with a cheaper brand of shingles from the beginning. It's easier to tell them about budgetary constraints upfront than to ask them to take money off a quote after they've already given that quote.
Once you have an estimate in hand, you can decide whether or not to go ahead with the roof work. Contact a local roofing contractor for more info.