3 Reasons Why You Should Regularly Schedule Chimney Sweeps Services

Posted on: 23 June 2022

If you have a fireplace, then it's important to keep the chimney clean and in good condition. A buildup of soot and creosote can create a fire hazard, not to mention that it can also be bad for your health. That's why it's important to schedule regular chimney sweeps services. These services can ensure your unit is cleaned and inspected for any damages. In this blog post, we will discuss three reasons why you should regularly schedule chimney cleaning services.
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5 Things Landlords Can Do To Protect Rental Unit Roofs

Posted on: 20 June 2022

Protecting your investment is just as important when it's a rental property as it is when it's your primary home. How can you take proactive steps to protect a rental's expensive roof? Here are a few important things any owner can do. 1. Have It Inspected Annually An annual roof inspection allows you to keep an eye on its condition without waiting for leaks to show up inside the house. A roofing company will look for signs of deteriorating shingles and flashing, fixing these while the problems are small.
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Benefits Of Hiring A Commercial Roofing Contractor Over A General Contractor

Posted on: 17 June 2022

When it's time to schedule a roof installation, repair, or replacement for your commercial building, you may wonder whether to hire a commercial roofing contractor or a general contractor.  Typically, commercial roofing contractors deal exclusively in roofs and accompanying components, including gutters, chimneys, and fascia boards. On the other hand, general contractors handle all types of construction. In most cases, they will subcontract the labor to other people while they work on scheduling and managing timelines.
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Why Is Asphalt Roofing So Popular In The US?

Posted on: 15 June 2022

Depending on where you live, you probably see more asphalt roofs than any other type of roofing system. While relatively ubiquitous, homeowners don't choose asphalt roofing simply because their neighbors happen to be using it. This roofing style offers numerous advantages that make it well-suited for most homes and budgets.  Whether you're building a new home or replacing the roof on your existing one, you'll need to decide on the style that works for your needs.
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