How to Protect Your Home During a Roof Replacement

Posted on: 31 January 2022

Roof replacement is a majorly disruptive event. There are things that need to be prepared and protected while the roof is being replaced. There are a lot of unique tell-tale signs that you're getting this done, like having an entire team in your house, saws being used, and tarps all over your lawn. Roof replacement is serious business, so you can't mess around with it. Here is what you need to do to prepare your home for a roof replacement:
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3 Reasons Why Autumn Is A Good Time For Residential Roof Installation

Posted on: 31 January 2022

Are you planning to install a new roof on your home? Then you might be unsure of when the best time of year is for residential roof installation. While summer is a very busy time of year for roofers, many people actually prefer to have their new roofs installed in autumn. Installing a new roof on your home in autumn offers several good benefits. 1. The mild weather gives roofers more time to work
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4 Ways That Roof Replacement Is Better Than Roof Repair

Posted on: 31 January 2022

A good roof should last many years before you need to replace it. And during that time, you may need to carry out repairs on your roof. If you have already carried out many repairs on your roof over the years and your roof has once again suffered damage, now might be the time to finally replace your roof rather than replace it. If you are trying to decide whether you should repair or replace your roof, then consider the following benefits of roof replacement.
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2 Signs Indicating The Need For Professional Repair After Ice Dams Form On Your Home's Roof

Posted on: 28 January 2022

After a storm dumped heavy amounts of frozen precipitation on your home, you may have been dealing with the formation of ice dams around the edges. Once they have either melted away or you dealt with them by removing the snow with a snow rake, you may believe that they are dealt with. However, because of their immense weight, these ice dams could have caused critical damage to the roof's shingles that will require the attention of a roofer.
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